It proved a struggle to cram all the creative output of months of work in the store. And after a few new concepts for the main store Pitsch decided that since we could not show the full collection on the available space we should open a second one. One that focus primarily on the plants, vases, pots and flowers he created with such care.
We opened a new store, our greenhouse, on Lisp. Yes thats right, the sim that houses that famous store. So glad we were able to secure a spot there. Such a great setting to show all the work we could not fit in our main store. If you need flowers and plants, and believe me we all do, to liven up your second life just come and take a peek at the Greenhouse. Don't forget to play with the menus and of course explore the rest of the simclick here to visit UrbanizeD Greenhouse.
And talking about gardens and plants and greenhouses, we have been busy at the Home & Garden Expo 2011. After last years succes Pitsch was raving about this for months, he had his mind set on going for a second time and this time with a mission. Pitsch sponsored an entire sim with the intention to fill it all up with the people he works with, admires and want to support. Many of them are first time expo participants. Together we make up Sim 7, and of course we believe its the best of the entire expo (dare i say better than the cats). Visit our special sim by clicking here.
Pitsch: This sim is not only sponsored by UrbanizeD. Most of the landscaping has been done by myself to bring the best canvas for all the participating designers to display their work on. We are so proud to have them on our sim. We realize that we have been lucky to have such a huge concentration of talent on this sim.
To give the visitors of the expo a good idea of the talent we wrote up a quick mini guide. Exploring the work of the people around us. Al visitors who came to our display got a copy in the hope to maximise the exposure for all the artist. A copy of the mini guide was posted in our flickr group the deizha experience
The Home & Garden expo is a fantastic platform to introduce your work to a new audience and to get a good idea of the work that is out there. Because of this fact UrbanizeD has chosen to introduce a few not additions to our collection.
For the first time we now can cater for those who want to bath in stlye. Next to that we have introduced new vases and a new candle dish.
One of the projects Pitsch was most proud of introducing are our gardenboxes. Box actually is not really the right word for it as these pavilions are really an oases for any garden.
With laid back loungy couches and specially designed woodwork this is the perfect addition for your garden or maybe even attached to your house. Providing a place where you can relax in private and still remain in contact with your garden.
For the occasion UrbanizeD has come up a vase set that will take center stage in any interior.
Its bright pink color is inspired by the pink ribbon we all know and love and is exclusive to the expo. Next to the vase set we also have three new pillow sets on offer with all proceeds going to relay for life! The expo is still open today so if you want you can still take a look around to feast your eyes and give for a good cause at the same time.