It is time to get your camera of the shelf and dust it of. Inspired by the pictures Pitsch received from enthusiastic customers we thought it was a good time for a photocompetition via flickr.
The Urbanized team wants to know how you use your UrbanizeD furniture and home & garden decorations. We want to challenge you to take pictures of your homes, your gardens, your clubs, your patios in short every place in SL you have set up your UrbanizeD goods (furniture, accessories and plants).
How does it work?
To enter in the competition post your picture in the UrbanizeD Group Pool on flickr : http://www.flickr.com/groups/urbanized/
Voting for a picture will be done via comments. The photo with most comments will win the Group Choice Prize.
The competition is open to everyone. However all anouncements regarding the competition will be made through the UrbanizeD group. If you wanna be kept posted subscribing is easy. Just take the LM to the mainstore and use the sign next to the landingpoint.
Click here to visit the Urbanized Mainstore
About the picture //
- Everyone can post, the limit is 3 pictures.
- All pictures should have the Urbanized product(s) prominently displayed.
- Photoediting is allowed providing the UrbanizeD product(s) stay recognizable.
- Entries should be posted only in the UrbanizeD flickr pool for the duration of the competition to ensure equal chances for everybody.
About the voting //
- You can vote for as many photos as you like.
- You can only vote/comment once per picture.
- Only positive comments will be counted as votes.
- You can't vote for pictures you entered yourself.
Your entries can be posted in the flickr pool starting from 1st of june. Competition closes on june 30th. The winners of the competition will be announced 1st of july.
About the prizes //
The picture with most votes ,the group choice, will win an entire furniture line from UrbanizeD, including the wall art and accessories.
The person in second place wins 10 items of one collection.
Third prize is five items of choice of one collection.

And there you have it a lot of text but you made it to the end
Get snapping, Get UrbanizeD!